Sculptural Art

Jillian Wong:

Beauty in Brutalism

23 September 2023

Jillian Wong’s remarkable manipulation of the brutalist style.

Jillian Wong, a talented emerging artist based in Los Angeles, has been captivating the art community with her remarkable ability to give new life to obsolete objects through her unique interpretation of the brutalist style. With a profound fascination for connecting an object's end to its beginning, Wong skillfully revives these discarded pieces, infusing them with a renewed purpose and beauty. Her art serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the functional and nonfunctional, challenging our perception of utility and purpose. In her recent body of work, Wong has particularly focused on creating pre-industrial renditions of post-industrial objects and vice versa. Through her deliberate use of metal and concrete, materials reminiscent of the industrial era, Wong expertly references the rich materiality associated with this period in history. Her captivating creations not only showcase her technical prowess but also inspire viewers to rethink and appreciate the hidden potential of seemingly obsolete objects.

Wong's creative process is a testament to her unwavering dedication and intricate attention to detail. Describing it as "a little obsessive", she emphasizes the meticulous nature of her craft. It all starts with her voracious reading habit as she eagerly consumes an array of literature. With each passage that intrigues her, Wong meticulously notes it down, forming a trove of inspirational material. From there, she enters a phase of deep contemplation, as she delves into the meaning of these excerpts and their potential applicability to her artistic practice. Wong's process is marked by a rigid structure, as she diligently plans her work, leaving little room for spontaneity. Finally, armed with a clear vision, she embarks on the journey of creation with unwavering determination and precision. Wong's creative process embodies an amalgamation of intellectual exploration and disciplined execution, resulting in extraordinary works of art.

“Footage (Live) (International)”, 2023

In her piece "Footage (Live) (International)", the 2nd place winner of the Liquid Project’s 2023 August art contest, Wong combines the mediums of sculpture and photography to create a visually captivating and conceptually intriguing artwork. The artist's creative process began with an extensive exploration of a website that streams live surveillance footage from various locations across the globe. Fascinated by the diverse narratives unfolding in real-time, she meticulously captured screenshots of moments from different places, including a serene candlelit church in Italy, a warehouse in Albania, a landscape in the US, and a parking lot in Japan. To breathe life into her vision, she employed the photogravure process, skillfully transferring the screenshot images onto plaster blocks. The resulting sculpture not only highlights the juxtaposition of various global perspectives but also offers a commentary on surveillance culture and the ways in which individuals can connect to places and moments they may never physically experience. "Footage (Live) (International)" stands as an evocative and thought-provoking examination of our interconnected world and the complexities of human observation.

Jillian Wong's work is undeniably unique, captivating viewers with its distinct style and artistic vision. Her ability to blend various mediums and techniques results in thought-provoking and visually rich creations. Whether it's through her paintings, sculptures, or installations, Wong's art consistently evokes a sense of curiosity and wonder. Her website and Instagram account serve as windows into her creative world, allowing us to explore the breadth and depth of her portfolio. As her artistic presence continues to grow, one can only anticipate the incredible masterpieces that will emerge from Wong's mesmerizing talent.

Images provided by the artist, Jillian Wong.

Jillian’s work can be viewed on her website and instagram.


Clarisse Abelarde


Lilian Kebudi